Atak Pest Control

mice rats rodents

Which prefers a balanced diet and why, a rat or a mouse?

Mice and rats are known for their preference for biting to pieces any piece of food they can find, pecking at crumbs on the floor and food in the cupboard. Despite this, you can not feed your pet with anything, since mice and rats require very specific nutrients based on certain diets.

For mice, a good starting point is a commercial rodent food. These are available in most pet stores and can come in block, tablet, or as a mixture of seeds. Also, when choosing a commercial food for your mouse, you should pay attention to certain nutritional facts, since mice require a minimum level of fiber (18%) and protein (16%) to stay healthy. Furthermore, the fat content should be limited to a maximum of 4%. In addition, they also enjoy a daily treatment. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a perfect solution. Some good ideas are peas, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, apples or bananas. It is important to be careful, however, these treats should be very small to prevent overeat.

Regarding rats, like mice, it is important to include in their diet a feed for commercial rodent. The best way to block a rat is food, as it provides a good chewing exercise.

Although mice and diets rats are very similar, rats need a slightly different mix because they need more fiber and less fat, so the food of rats should easily be located above 18% in terms of content fiber and clearly below 4% fat.

  A3TLST38LR03MA © 2016

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mice rats rodents

Compared to a rat how many mice traps should you actually set out for mice?


By Jestin Ronody Marson © 2016

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It doesn’t matter how many traps you set. If you don’t block the entryway, rodents will continue to return. PERIOD! But, I digress …

Mice are much smaller than rats. They are also quicker and smarter than people think. The tricky thing isn’t necessarily how MANY traps you need, but what kind of trap and bait to use. The old fashioned, spring loaded, finger amputating mouse traps will work if you have the nerve and patience to use them. I personally would advise the slightly more expensive “clip” version (TomCat, for example) which looks more like a large “chip clip” with teeth. They are easier to set and you are not as likely to lose a finger.

You can bait the trap or not, your choice. I like to use just a small amount of peanut butter since these sneaky little so-and-so’s like to run off with cheese. Peanut butter is sticky and hard to run away with. Also, use gloves. Rodents can detect human scent. The NUMBER of traps is debatable. You should use one trap for every ten feet, setting them several feet apart. I advise every other trap to be on the floor. For instance, if you have one on the floor by the fridge, put the next one on the counter behind the microwave, the next on the floor near the stove, the next behind the toaster on the counter, etc. Another marvelous benefit of the clip traps is they are easy to re-use!

Rats are larger rodents. You should never attempt to catch a rat in a mouse trap. That’s like taking a knife to a gunfight. Rats are sneaky, but they are much bigger than mice. They have been known to reach sizes that would scare Fido and Rover, thus a larger more effective trap is required. I still prefer the clip traps here. They are easy to set and easy to use. However, keep in mind, rats have been known to run off with the trap, so make sure you are using a RAT trap to catch rats. You are going to want to put the traps near water sources, and along the wall and floor. Also, you will want to set a few in the attic. I advise at least one under the kitchen sink and one behind the toilet. The number of traps may vary, I would think one trap for every ten feet of wall would be sufficient. You may also want to look into the cage/guard that can be used in concert with the trap. This would help prevent Fido or Kitty accidentally getting caught in the trap.

The number of rat traps vs mice traps is a matter of opinion. I believe if you see one mouse, you have a hundred. If you see a rat, you probably have fifty. I believe for every one rat trap you use, you should use at least two mouse traps. That is MY opinion. But no matter what you do, if you don’t block the entry, rodents will always find a way back.